MSDevWNY April Meeting - Introduction to Windows Azure

3-4 Apr 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Buffalo, US

Introduction to Widows Azure with Jim O'Neil

Playing Games in the Cloud

By now you've heard about Windows Azure, Microsoft's Cloud Computing platform, but perhaps you haven't yet kicked the tires and tried it out yourself. Well, here's your chance. With this session on the RockPaperAzure Challenge, you'll get an overview of the Windows Azure Platform and have a chance to try it out in a fun (and potentially profitable) way - by playing a variation of the playground favorite - Rock, Paper, Scissors - in the cloud!

For the session, bring your laptop (Windows Vista or Windows 7)* and

  1. Install Visual Studio 2010 Pro (or higher) or Visual Web Developer Express 2010 (a free download)
  2. Install the Windows Azure SDK
  3. Provision a no-risk, free 90-day Windows Azure trial account ( - here's a screencast walkthrough: (

And we'll cover the rest at the meeting.

There's a Kinect, Visual Studio 2010 license, and a $50 Best Buy gift card up for grabs - so get ready to Rock (PaperAzure)!

*If you don't have Windows Vista or Windows 7, don't let that stop you from coming! You'll still be able to participate, we just may buddy you up with someone!


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“Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves” - Alan Kay