The Boston MySQL Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Boston MySQL Meetup Group
14-15 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boston, US

Sandro Frattura, Senior DBA from Online Buddies of Cambridge (operating in the social networking & dating space), will be our featured guest discussing Pentaho.  Pentaho is the leading open source Business Intelligence Platform on the market today. 

Sandro will:

·         Demonstrate how easy it is to use Pentaho to aggregate and transform data (ETL) from disparate data sources into a single destination using Pentaho’s “Data Integration” platform(Spoon/Kettle etc.)  

·         Show   how to create a dynamic “cube” (using Pentaho’s Schema Workbench) based on a simple star schema.

·          ShowPentaho’s “User Console” helps to visualize data cubes.


This presentation will be less conceptual about the esoteric concepts of data warehousing, and more practical about how to use the Pentaho platform to transform data and provide dynamic user-driven data analysis which is so critical to information-heavy businesses today.  


------------- Logistics -------------

MIT's map with the building (E51) highlighted:

MIT's map with the Kendall square T stop highlighted: (the stop is in red on that map, and you can see E51 in the bottom right)

MIT's maps with parking lot information: and

Note that MIT lots are free to park in after 3 pm or so, even if it says "reserved for faculty"

Free pizza and soda will be served, so please RSVP accurately.

To RSVP anonymously, please login to the Meetup site with the e-mail address "admin at sheeri dot com" and the password "guest".

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“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray