Attend the LASLUG March Meetup

The Los Angeles Silverlight User Group
Wed, 21 Mar 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Los Angeles, US

UPDATE (March 20 LASLUG Meetup):

Hello again, below is an updated abstract and Bio for our very own personal fav Seth Juarez.

Presentation Abstract:

Functional C#
This session will delve into the functional underpinnings that were introduced in C# 1.0 and show how they have evolved to produce some incredibly interesting constructs that can make your C# code more powerful and concise.

Seth Juarez Bio:

Seth Juarez has a Master’s Degree in Computer Science where his field of research was Artificial Intelligence specifically in the realm of Machine Learning. He is a Technical Evangelist for DevExpress where he specializes in data analysis and shaping in conjunction with their reporting toolset. When he is not working in that area, he devotes his time to an open source Machine Learning Library specifically for .NET that is intended to simplify the use of popular supervised and unsupervised learning models.

So we will see you tomorrow!  Victor Gaudioso



We will be holding our March LASLUG meeting in a brand new venue thanks to Dylan C (thanks Dylan, you ROCK).

We had a presenter all lined up but he had to pull out at the last minute due to a family emergency so I and the LASLUG organization team (headed up by Kim and Dylan) are scrambling to try and find a new presenter.  I might have to step in myself and do it but I don't have anything lined up to present on. So, if you have any topics you would like me to present on please send them to me by replying to this email.

So, we will see you on March 20 at 630pm!  What you end up seeing will be a surprise! Actually I will shot out another email when we know exactly what the presentation is so you can make an informed decision as whether or not you want to attend.

Remember, we will also be broadcasting the meeting LIVE thanks to Kim and Marek Schmidt!

See you there!

Victor Gaudioso



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