Partner Event - Build your own OpenShift PaaS

DC Area JBoss Users Groups
10-11 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chantilly, US

This is a partner event.  RSVPs and updated details can be found at the DC Cloud Meetup Group:

Grant Shipley will be on hand to lead attendees through installing an OpenShift cloud on your laptop.

When: May 10, 6:30 PM 

It's finally here! OpenShift is built on open source and here's your chance to learn how to take the code and projects that power OpenShift to build your own PaaS. Come check out this session with Mark from the OpenShift team to learn where to download, how to install, and how to configure and deploy onto your local machine.

We'll cover the fundamentals of how to deploy apps onto your PaaS to make it do something useful for you. We'll cover ways to extend your PaaS by adding support for customized middleware, databases, frameworks and languages. Bring your laptop because we got everything you need ready to rock on a USB stick with your name on it.
If you are an open source enthusiast, want to learn how to contribute back to the project or just curious about the code that powers OpenShift, then this is the talk for you!


About Grant Shipley:
Grant Shipley is an OpenShift PaaS Evangelist at Red Hat focused on cloud technologies. Prior to that, Grant was a Manager of Software Development with responsibilities over the website and supporting infrastructure. Grant has over 10 years of software development experience focusing on Java and PHP. In his free time, he contributes to several open source projects as well as developing iOS applications. Grant has been using Linux on a daily basis since 1994 and is active in the FOSS community.

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“We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.” - Donald Knuth