You've got Aspects in my Objects - two great tastes that taste great together

St. Louis ALT.NET Meetup
23-24 May 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , St Louis, US

Steve Bohlen will be visiting our group this month, talking to us about Aspect Oriented Programming.

It probably comes as no surprise to anyone with any real-world software development experience that Object-Oriented inheritance modeling can’t cleanly solve every class of problem we face as software engineers.  AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) provides us with an alternative perspective on our objects and their behaviors that can be leveraged to powerfully and flexibly solve whole classes of recurring software engineering challenges that OO systems routinely face. In this talk we will both illuminate the fundamental principles and patterns of AOP as well as demystify the different available techniques for adding AOP to the design of OO systems in .NET.  We’ll explore techniques like compile-time and load-time IL-Weaving, Static and Dynamic Proxying, and others.  We’ll also examine several tools and frameworks (both Open-Source/free and commercial options) that make it easier for for the .NET developer to add AOP techniques to their toolbox for their everyday work. Attendees should possess good intermediate C# language skills and understand core OO design principles.


Currently a Senior Software Engineer for SpringSource where he is the Technical Lead and Community Evangelist for the Spring.NET Framework, Stephen brings his varied 18-year-plus experience in software and technology to the design and delivery of Software Engineering Solutions and Frameworks for other Software Engineers. In addition to his work on Spring.NET, Stephen is also an active contributor to several other .NET Open-Source Software projects including NHibernate, NDbUnit, and others. Active in the software development community, Stephen speaks publicly, blogs (semi-)regularly, and is the author of several popular screencast series focused on Agile and ALT.NET concepts and technologies including the widely-praised 15-part Summer of NHibernate video series introducing viewers to the popular open-source O/RM tool. Stephen is also a founding/organizing member of the NYC ALT.NET user group which meets monthly to discuss Agile-focused techniques and technologies in the world of Microsoft software development and beyond. He is also a Microsoft MVP award recipient, an ASP Insider, and presently holds the office of the Vice President for INETA, North America

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