Grails in the Cloud! - Monthly Groovy and Grails Meetup

nlgug - Groovy and Grails User Group Netherlands
Tue, 8 May 2012, 16:00 - 18:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Amsterdam, NL

Topic: Grails in the Cloud!

Always wanted to know what the buzz is about PaaS, including platforms like CloudFoundry, Jelastic, Heroku, CloudBees, OpenShift or Elastic Beanstalk, this is your evening to find out. 

The goal of the night is to learn about these platforms, get some hands-on experience, and share your experience with the group

18.00-18.45 Welcome and food
18.45-19.15 Presentation - Introduction to Cloud, IaaS, PaaS and Saas by Maikel Alderhout
19.15-20.45 Hands on - Deploy a Grails application* to the cloud in small groups
20.45-21.15 Knowledge - Share your experience with the group

No preparation is needed. We'll deliver the application, and make sure you're up to speed in seconds! It is a good idea to bring your laptop. You can always pair up with others.

Quince has kindly offered to share their great location in Amsterdam with us again! Much appreciated, thanks!

Kind regards,

Erik Pragt


* = Application will be a Grails application, delivered by us. No experience with Grails is needed, but it might be helpful ;-)

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