Exploring Domain Driven Design in JavaScript

6-7 Jun 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , , US

Over the last few years, we have seen a drastic increase in the use of JavaScript to build large and complex applications, both on the server and the client. But, how well do the concepts and practices of DDD transfer to a language so different from the statically-typed, object-oriented contexts we usually discuss them in?

In this discussion, we'll explore both specific implementation patterns and more general questions regarding how DDD can be used in JavaScript and related languages. For example, how do you implement concepts like entities or value objects in a language that doesn't even have classes? What do aggregate boundaries mean in such a free-form environment? And how does a typical layered architecture play out in a purely JavaScript ecosystem?

Speaker bio:

Domenic Denicola works at Barnes & Noble.com, where he builds both server and desktop apps in JavaScript. He likes Node.js, short walks on the beach, and continually rethinking how the "book" entity should really work :)

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