The Seattle MySQL Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Seattle MySQL Meetup Group
Tue, 8 May 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Seattle, US

Monthly discussion group on MySQL, and open source projects in general.

This month we'll hear from Doron Levari, CEO of ScaleBase.  A long-time veteran of the database industry, Doron has extensive experience in building and scaling-out database systems as well as the organizations and infrastructure necessary to support them.

"Scaling MySQL with Transparent Database Sharding"

Every relational database has some machine scaling limits. In this month's meeting Doron will present the concept of Database Sharding - splitting the database to several independent databases, a solution proven highly effective for scaling MySQL. He will discuss the steps required for building a sharding solution, the implications and limitations of such solution, and will summarize by presenting ScaleBase solution to Database Sharding.

as always, you're welcome to bring questions and problems. Blue Gecko will be providing beer and snacks!

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