The Seattle MySQL Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Seattle MySQL Meetup Group
Tue, 5 Jun 2012, 02:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Seattle, US

Monthly discussion group on MySQL, and open source projects in general.

This month we'll have Chris Conlon from yaSSL speaking about database security.

Because of the potential effects of either data loss or exposure, database security and administration is a necessity in today?s world. As a world leader in database solutions, MySQL has gained a large user base. These users are of varying skill level, some of which have focused heavily on database security and some who have never given it a second thought. This presentation will give users an overview of MySQL security practices with a main focus on configuring and building MySQL with SSL. It will provide an introductory walkthrough in MySQL security for the new MySQL admin and offer a refreshing review for the seasoned MySQL expert.


This presentation will touch on several aspects of MySQL database security, including:


- Good Security Practices for MySQL

+ Setting Appropriate Passwords

+ Securing Test Databases, mysqld

+ mysql_secure_installation script

+ Privileges



+ An Overview of SSL, x509

+ Configuring and Building MySQL with SSL

+ MySQL SSL Command Options

+ SSL Certificate Creation

+ Performance Comparison


More about Chris -

A graduate in Computer Science from Montana State University, Chris Conlon is a developer at yaSSL. Finding a balance between outdoor adventures and computing, Chris enjoys continually learning and strives to bring new and helpful things to the technology community. He focuses on embedded security with yaSSL, working with products including the CyaSSL embedded SSL library and the yaSSL Embedded Web Server.


as always, you're welcome to bring questions and problems. Blue Gecko will be providing beer and snacks!

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“There's no test like production” - Anon