cf.Objective: "Scale and Performance with ColdFusion + Ehcache & BigMemory"

Terracotta User Group
Fri, 18 May 2012, 17:15 - 18:15 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Mac Moore presents "Scale and Performance with ColdFusion + Ehcache & BigMemory" at cf.Objective() 2012.

Enterprises today are confronted with ever-increasing volumes of data. As a result, the ability to rapidly access large datasets is becoming an increasingly important application requirement, and this is in addition to all the traditional challenges related to scaling distributed web-based apps. In this session, we will take a look at some of these challenges, and discuss ways to successfully address them. Taking a look at Terracotta's BigMemory, we will explain how this integrates with the Ehcache support already present in CF9 to provide ColdFusion developers a simple on-ramp to the world of Big Data. Broadening the lens, we will further look at the full Terracotta Enterprise Suite to see how these tools provide simple, flexible scale from distributed caching applications to high-availability session data, all at in-memory speeds.

As a Solutions Architect within the Field Engineering team at Terracotta, Mac Moore works with enterprises to improve the scale and performance of their applications using Terracotta's BigMemory, Ehcache, and related Java scalability technologies. Prior to joining Terracotta, Mac served as Director of Information Systems in the higher-education sector. He has over 12 years of experience designing, developing, and integrating enterprise systems, and has been using ColdFusion since 2000.

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