Federal Consortium of Virtual Worlds 2012 Conference

Agile3d Distributed Agile Congress
Thu, 17 May 2012, 13:00 - 16:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Cary, US

Register now for the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds (FCVW).  You can attend the entire 3-day event (May 16-18) in Washington, DC at the National Defense University and pay a nominal fee or you can attend the main program (May 17-18) via a live web stream (free but please register).  We will have virtual world locations in Second Life, Vastpark, Protosphere, Web.Alive, and 3DEvents hosting the stream on our website.  See http://www.ndu.edu/icollege/fcvw/live.html for log in details.  Questions will be taken for presenters during the main conference via twitter hashtag #fcvw12.  Workshops and government project poster sessions will not be streamed.
Information on the Program:
The FCVW Conference (http://www.ndu.edu/icollege/fcvw/index.htm) opens with pre-conference workshops on Wednesday, May 16th and the main conference May 17th and 18th.  The workshops and conference agenda has an exciting line-up leaders in the field Randy Hinrichs, CEO 2b3d will open with ?Inspiring Virtuality in 2022?; Jesse Schell, Carnegie Mellon and Schell Games will discuss ?The Future of Virtual Characters?; James Blascovich, UCSB, connects the ?Mind, Brain and Virtual Reality?; and Charles Wankel,  Rotterdam School of Management, who will lead a panel on ?Developing and Deploying Learning in Virtual Worlds?; Michelle Fox, Department of Energy, will offer the opportunities in the ?National Training Education Resource (NTER): A virtual worlds integration framework to spark real change in enterprise and government learning.?   In addition to the education panel, we will also have a military panel led by Douglas Maxwell, Army Research Lab, The Military Open Simulator Enterprise Strategy: Rationale and Use Cases?; a health panel facilitated by Kevin Hollway, Army Telemedicine and Technology, ?The Future of Health Applications in Virtual Worlds: Challenges, Solutions, and Convergence?; and a cyber security panel led by Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, University of Washington, ?Security in Virtual Worlds: Can I trust on your Avatar??

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