Using Config Transforms to simplify Sitecore deployments

Sitecore User Group - New England
10-11 Oct 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boston, US

Chances are you have multiple Sitecore servers in your organization:

- Developer workstations

- Integration server

- Authoring server

- Delivery server(s)

Delivering new code to these servers is usually a pain point among implementers, usually because each server has many unique configuration settings that are difficult to maintain in Visual Studio and source code control. Additionally, knowing what needs to be in each config file depends greatly on your environment, and how much you enjoy reading Sitecore documentation.

We'll look at how to use the Slow Cheetah plugin to create destination-specific config files (both web and Sitecore configs!), how to make these config transforms applicable to multiple projects, and how to use this Visual Studio capability to ensure your next Sitecore install includes all the config tricks you learned on your last Sitecore install.

If you are a developer responsible for Sitecore in a multi-server environment, you need to attend this talk.

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