(WEBINAR) How do move from releasing every few months, to weeks and then perhaps daily?

Tue, 30 Oct 2012, 18:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Skills Matter eXChange , London, GB

Is “Fail fast, Learn fast” the way to get there? Enough of talk… I’d like to see how it really can be done?

Please do join ThoughtWorks Studios for our Go User Group webinar (GUG) on Tue, Oct 30, 2012. This interactive (plenty of Q&A time) webinar will feature two 20-25 min presentations: CD from months to weeks to days with Go by John Esser, Director of Engineering Productivity and Agile Development at Ancestry.com John architected Ancestry’s transformation to Agile development and continuous delivery. He will run us through the highs, lows and nitty gritties of crossing that all-important chasm to optimizing your CD goal. And how Go enabled them in their pursuit. Fail Fast, Learn Fast with Go (And smash some silos while you’re at it) by Mark Chang, Go Product Manager, ThoughtWorks Studios ​Mark Chang is pretty excited about Go’s features that enable you to do continuous collaborative delivery while you fail fast, learn fast and release faster. He will demo new and existing features in Go that include fan-in/fan-out to model your build-test-release workflow to fail fast.

Followed by Q&A.

Register at: http://www.thoughtworks-studios.com/content/go-user-group

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