Denver Visual Studio User Group Meeting

Mon, 26 Nov 2012, 17:30 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
7595 Technology Way; Suite 400 , Denver, US

Getting Geeky with the .NET Framework and Principles with Kathleen Dollard, .NET Coach

 Take a trip through the .NET framework to visit key principles as well as to explore parts that are often overlooked or misunderstood!

 Jump into a walkthrough of encapsulating code (or more correctly safe pointers to code) through delegates, anonymous methods and lambda expressions. Then, Kathleen will use puzzles where you participate by predicting how code will behave (caution -- this is where it gets fun).

-- If you’re just starting out with .NET, you’ll get a whirlwind tour of .NET concepts in context. -- If you’re an experienced .NET programmer, you'll explore nuances like lambda closures, static fields in generic classes, flagged enums and overloading rules. Tackling LINQ, you'll get a quick overview of selection and filtering syntax and then dive into data transformations and improved XML techniques. Touching on the new async behavior in .NET 4.5 (a 'must have' these days), you’ll learn about an unexpected quirk in exception handling.

 Your trip will be dynamic, using a fun format that will expand the way you think about the .NET framework by connecting code intricacies with .NET concepts. Don't miss this trip!

Contact: Chris Wallace

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“Better train people and risk they leave – than do nothing and risk they stay.” - Anonymous