Ok ? we've got everything ready. Here are the details for this Wednesday's Rails Educational/Networking Meetup event.
You're not going to want to miss this one. We're going to have some great food, drinks, and 2 short presentations.
It's Wednesday, December 5th, at 6:30pm. (RSVP now)
Facebook has graciously offered to host us in their downtown Seattle offices.
1730 Minor Ave. 18th Floor, Seattle, WA - 18th Floor
Since our meetup's at Facebook HQ, you'll need to bring this signed "visitors" NDA to the meetup in order to get in (it's basic): https://dl.dropbox.com/u/5514546/facebook-visitor-nda.pdf
Our Speakers
Benjamin Curtis on: caching strategies & payment processing in rails
Alan Talanoa on: backround jobs (namely sidekiq)
Our Sponsors
Without our sponsors' help, this event wouldn't be possible. Big thanks to:
HoneyBadger.io - Modern error management service for Rails with a fast UI & collab tools.
Linea - Building better photo viewing experiences w/our MosaicView iOS & web app
LifeStory (from Efinancial) - Working on innovative software in the life insurance space... & hiring!
RSVP now, we only have a few spots left!
See you Wednesday!