Debuggers are every software developer's best friend. Today's enterprise applications are getting more and more complex that makes it impossible for programmers to envision all possible outcomes of implemented solutions. As a result they rely heavily on debuggers to accomplish their day-to-day tasks efficiently. Some of these debuggers are more powerful than others based on their capacity to glean into internal data structures of target processes. Such features provide these debuggers the firepower that makes them equally popular among hackers who use it for malicious purposes like cracking license keys, breaking authentication mechanisms, stealing intellectual property etc. In this session Angelo & Kamran will demonstrate some examples of how skilled hackers can perform runtime attacks that can create chaos among their victims. They will also discuss challenges to prevent these types of attacks.
Angelo Chan is a software developer who has designed and developed software for Unix, VxWorks, Linux and Windows. With a background in Telecom and Mobile Messaging, he is now working heavily with .NET technologies in the security industry. His interests include software development and patterns, .NET, operating systems, network/application reverse engineering and security. Angelo can be reached at [email protected].
Kamran Bilgrami is a seasoned software developer with background in designing mission critical applications for wide variety of industries including Telecom, Security, Human Services and Healthcare. He is passionate about sharing his knoweldge with fellow community members. His areas of interest include .NET, security and patterns. You can reach him at [email protected]