Designing RESTful Services with ASP.NET Web API

Mon, 4 Feb 2013, 18:30 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Redmond, US

REST is an architectural style for building HTTP Web API services that is often misunderstood - many people claim to be building RESTful services but do not know the things they need to be doing to actually follow the REST architectural style. In this session, you will learn the fundamental architectural constraints that define REST and how you can implement those constraints using ASP.NET Web API. You'll learn what the benefits of REST are compared to other service architectural styles. And you’ll learn what things you need to do to implement the capabilities that all Web API services should do, such as focus on resources, representations, URIs, content-negotiation, HTTP verbs and headers and so on, as well as the concepts of hypermedia and media types and how they relate to RESTful services.

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