LOPSA: Getting a Foot in the Cloud

TechLife Columbus
27-28 Feb 2013 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbus, US

Get tickets and location via eEvent - http://evn.to/WR9KMO

John Crawford will sharing his experience with establishing a machine as a micro instance using the resources of Amazon Web Services. John will be covering general steps and tools for deploying an architecture with the free resources of Amazon Web Services and will share his recent experience in this area.

6:00PM - Introductions
6:30PM - Chapter Business
7:00PM - Presentation

John has been working in Information Technology for over 30 years. Currently, he is Director of the Sociology Research Lab at Ohio State University. His skills in IT infrastructure span Open Source, Linux, Security, and System Monitoring.

The February LOPSA Columbus meeting will be held on Wednesday the 27th instead of the fourth Thursday of the month.This meeting will be held at the new 2Checkout offices in Grandview. Enter the north side of the building and you will see the 2Checkout offices straight ahead.

To keep up to date with future meeting information, please subscribe to the LOPSA Columbus mailing list.

The League of Professional System Administrators(LOPSA) is a professional organization for System Administrators, looking to further the profession. We will be hosting events with topics relevant to System Administrators and those interested in the topic of System Administration.

Get tickets and location via eEvent - http://evn.to/WR9KMO

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