SQL Server Usergroup - Cambridge - SQL 2008

SQL Server Usergroup Cambridge
Mon, 6 Jul 2009, 18:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Red Gate , Cambridge, GB

The focus of the meeting is SQL Server 2008 from a Development and engine perspective.


18:00 - 18:30 Meet & Greet

18:30 - 18:40 Intro, what’s in the news, Q&A,

18:40 - 19:00 Nuggets - Let me know if you have a 5 minute nugget you want to share.

19:00 - 20:00 SQL Server 2008 - Whats new and what should you be using.

In this session we will look at as many of the new features of SQL Server 2008 as possible. Focusing on development and the engine. So things like the Date data type, the MERGE statement, table valued parameters.

20:00 - 20:20 Beer and Pizza(sponsored by Redgate)

20:20 - 21:00 SQL Server 2008 - Discussion This will be an informal session where we can enjoy our pizza and discuss the earlier presentation. This will be a very interactive session and will be driven by the questions people have and the experiences they have had with SQL Server 2008 Any questions email me at [email protected]

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