Fort Smith .NET User Group July Meeting - Keith Elder - Distributing Cache One Byte at a Time With Velocity

13-14 Jul 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
4001 Planters Road , Fort Smith, US

Have you ever used the built-in caching capabilities within Asp.Net? If you have you know that as long as you have one server to cache information it works really well. What happens though when you add an additional server? Or even better let's say you add an additional 10 servers! Now what? What happens is you've got data replicated all over the place and it gets out of sync. Not to mention it becomes really hard to manage as data gets changed. Enter "Velocity", Microsoft's new distributed caching product. In this session we'll do a thorough look at all of the pieces of Velocity from installation/deployment, configuration, the API and some of its features like regions and tags.

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