Dear fellow PHPers,
the next Auckland PHP meetup is in less than 2 weeks:
Thu, 7 May, 6:00 PM Where: to be confirmed 021 5678 53
Please RSVP here:
* Main topic *
Payment terms and Debt collection topics for web developers
Speakers: Jochen Daum (moderates discussion) and Paul Marshall, AEL Legal (Debt collection)
Set up of payment terms and general conditions of providing and sourcing web development work is a common topic on on-line forums such as our PHP mailing list or Especially in tighter economic times, it is important to get paid and have functional supplier-client relationships.
I'm going to organise a discussion/workshop around payment terms, getting paid and similar and collect the outcome of the group discussion on a whiteboard. I've recently put some thoughts into this topic here, please
Later in the session, Paul is going to share some tips on how to get paid, if things go murky.
* Other topics *
Still accepting speakers for this meetup. Please see below.
Speakers: please contact me on [email protected] or 021 5678 53 to discuss topics with me. We are always looking for speakers on open-source libraries, development tools, great websites and related topics.
Remember, this is the unique opportunity to show off the latest project that you have done and get an opportunity to show it to a greater audience in person. We are actively looking for people that want to spend 10-15 minutes on their latest project. No one knows your project better than you, no reason to be shy!
Please get in touch with Jochen: [email protected] to book you in for this meetup or a later one.
Please bring spare coins for beer and juice ($2) and to share Domino's pizza! (usually $10)
Also, please RSVP here:
Kind Regards,
Jochen Daum
Chief Automation Officer Automatem Ltd
Phone: 09 630 3425 Mobile: 021 567 853 Email: [email protected] Skype: jochendaum Website: