August Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup

The Baltimore/Washington PHP Meetup Group
12-13 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

For the August meetup we have Steve Crump giving a talk about project management using Trac with subversion integration. Steve is currently a software developer at DealerChoice. He is a Sun Certified Java Programmer who works on both the technical and functional aspects of designing, developing, and integrating systems.

He works as one of two developers following the full software development life cycle for defects and enhancements using an iterative methodology.

His accomplishments and activities with DealerChoice include: [list]

  • Partnered with clients to gather requirements for product feature requests
  • Implemented and administered company wide systems for change management (Subversion), issue tracking (Trac), and help desk ticketing (OTRS). Also created process flows for using these systems.
  • Integrated ordering process with multiple furniture manufacturers using web services.
  • Worked with the following products/technologies: PHP5, AJAX, Javascript, MySQL, Prototype, SOAP, XML, Eclipse PDT, Subversion, Trac, Apache Web Server
  • [/list]

    Q/A, general discussion, future topic ideas, and random chit chat will follow (and during). We'll have pizza and drinks, so come hungry!

    When: August 12, 2009 at 6:30 p.m.

    Where: OmniTI (Our usual place) 7070 Samuel Morse Drive Columbia MD, 21046

    Please RSVP, so we know how much pizza to order. Meeting space and pizza are being provided by OmniTI as usual. Many, many thanks to them and their continued support.

    Hope to see everyone there, and if you know of anyone else interested in PHP, bring them along also!

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    We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

    “Debugging is anticipated with distaste, performed with reluctance, and bragged about forever.” - Dan Kaminsky