Shenandoah Ruby Users Group August Meetup

Shenandoah Ruby Users Group
Tue, 25 Aug 2009, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Harrisonburg, US

Sorry for the late update, but it should be no reflection of how great the 2nd Annual ShRUG picnic will be tomorrow. The folks at TransitionPoint have agreed to allow us to have our cake (or should I say Smokin' Pig BBQ and chicken) and eat it too. We will be meeting at TransitionPoint, we will be serving picnic fare from the Smokin' Pig on their deck and you will be able to bring you family and friends. There is also a very good chance that some beer from Calley's will be available.

Please let us know if you can make it and how many family and friends you will be bringing so we can make sure we have enough food. We also might be displaying a newly released product from a local company.

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“You can stand on the shoulders of giants OR a big enough pile of dwarfs, works either way.”