SharePoint User Group - September Meeting - Microsoft Presenting FAST ESP

The Chicago Microsoft SharePoint Business Strategies Group
1-2 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

Sponsored By: Directions Training RightPoint Consulting

Meeting Agenda

6:00 to 6:15: Meet and Greet / Networking

6:15 to 7:15: "Show & Tell": Joe Greenberg from the Microsoft Enterprise Team will be presenting on SharePoint & Enterprise search - the ability to find information across the enterprise, including the extended enterprise, and outside the enterprise. FAST ESP helps you revitalize your search experience with intelligent, user-centric search. It reduces costs and mitigates risks with a flexible, closed-loop enterprise search and security management approach. FAST ESP harnesses the power of your existing information assets and IT investments through flexible, standards-based enterprise integration. For more information, click here.

Join us on September 1st for this SharePoint "show and tell".

7:15 to 7:30: Wrap-up and ideas for next meeting

Pizza and beverages will be provided.

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