DC ALT.NET Meeting - jQueryUI

26-27 Aug 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
2000 Duke Street , Alexandria, US

jQuery UI and the jQuery UI CSS Framework

jQuery UI, built on top of jQuery, is a complete set of behaviors and components that can be used in building Rich Internet Applications. Behaviors and components included in jQuery UI include drag-and-drop, resizing, mouse-sorting, mouse-selecting (click-select, shift-select, ctrl-select, lasso select), dialogs, sliders, tabs, trees, grids, toolbars and menus.

Each component adheres to a consistent standard across API, design, behavior and theming. This minimizes the surprise and makes learning all of them as easy as learning one. Just as with jQuery, there is a plugin system in jQuery UI that allows users to easily modify/extend existing components, as well as create your own.

jQuery UI also includes a powerful and flexible CSS framework. The jQuery UI CSS Framework, the first CSS framework to focus on UI widgets rather than web page design and layout, brings consistency to a web User Interface, while allowing developers of all levels of design experience to customize and tweak it to fit an existing or a new site design.

This session covers how jQuery UI is designed and how it leverages the power, flexibility, and expressiveness of the jQuery API. A live demonstration shows you how to use some of the more common jQuery UI behaviors and components, the jquery UI CSS Framework, and ThemeRoller, the tool for building and customizing jQuery UI Themes.

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“Walking on water and developing software from a specification are easy if both are frozen.” - Edward V Berard