The Video Experience

Computer Enthusiasts, Chester County, PA
20-21 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
Chester County Library , Exton, US

Tuesday October 20th The Video Experience

Preserving memories with a Camcorder is a modern link that closes the generation gap. It is now simple and quite affordable. At this session we will illustrate the simplicity using Movie Maker incorporated in both XP and Vista, and as an added attraction, the use of DVD Maker now available in Vista and Windows 7. Questions and experiences with other movie programs will be welcomed. Other people’s experiences will raise the value of the meeting to a new level. Your help is needed. My personal experience in this venue has been to convert film to digital, produce promo videos and travel logs. I am far from an expert, but I am an enthusiast eager to learn. I have had the privilege to lecture on a cruise and at 55+ communities. In preparation for this meeting, we will have a brief introduction at the September 28th meeting of the Digital Camcorders being offered with tape, hard disks, and CD’s. A little will be spoken about HD camcorders. Contributing at both meetings will be helpful to all.

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“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention in human history, with the possible exceptions of handguns and tequila” - Mitch Ratcliffe