Amazon EC2 and Ubuntu UEC with Eucalyptus

Virtualization, VMware, Hyper-V, Eucalyptus, Cloud Computing
9-10 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

We've covered VMware extensively, and we will have a short intro covering new developments in VMware-land but now on to CLOUD COMPUTING. It's in the title of this group. In the hands-on, power-point free style of this group we will cover:

1) What is Amazon EC2? 2) Different types of AMIs, costs and implications 3) selecting, starting and connecting to an AMI 4) persistence issues, creating an AMI 5) networking and security issues 6) management options for your virtual private cloud and your enterprise cloud

Acronyms and terms we will cover and hopefully explain: AMI Amazon Machine Image EBS Elastic Compute Cloud S3 Simple Storage Service VPC Virtual Private Cloud UEC Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud Elastic IP Instance Eucalytpus Elastic Utility Computing Architecture Linking Your Programs To Useful Systems

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