September meetup of the Boston Cloud computing group

Boston Cloud Services- All things Cloud, SaaS, PaaS,XaaS etc
23-24 Sep 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Waltham, US

Hi All, I'm happy to announce the September meetup - I've had multiple requests for topics / speaking opportunities, guess this group is getting traction! For the September meet-up we have two presenters: 1. Javed Ikbal (principal and co-founder of zSquad LLC)- will talk about: "Marketing, Uncertainty and Doubt: Information Security and Cloud Computing" What is the minimum security due diligence that a company needs to do before putting it's data in the cloud? Since 2007, Amazon has been telling us they are ".. working with a public accounting firm to ... attain certifications such as SAS70 Type II" but these have not happened in 2+ years.

On one side of the cloud security issue we have the marketing people, who hype up the existing security and gloss over the non-existing. On the other side we have security services vendors, who hawk their wares by hyping up the lack of security. The truth is, there is a class of data for every cloud out there, and there is also someone who will suffer a data breach because they did not secure it properly.

We will look at Amazon's EC2, risk tolerance, and how to secure the data in the cloud.

Javed is a principal and co-founder of zSquad LLC, a Boston-based information security consulting practice.

2 Charles Wegrzyn - CTO at TwistedStorage Inc. (Check actually built an Open source cloud storage system back in '05)

Twisted Storage is open source software that converts multiple storage repositories, legacy or green-field, into a single petabyte-scale cloud for unstructured data, digital media storage, and archiving. The Twisted Storage Enterprise Storage Cloud provides federated search, electronic data discovery with lock-down, and policy-driven file management including indexing, retention, security, encryption, format conversion, information lifecycle management, and automatic business continuity.

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