NYC Cloud Computing- IBM Cloud Initiatives - IBM's Smart Business Enablement

New York City Cloud Computing Group
20-21 Oct 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Join us for an incredible evening on Tuesday October 20th at the office of Gemini Systems LLC.

IBM will be making two Cloud presentations centered around their enterprise initiatives and vision on how to leverage cloud computing in the most efficient manner.

Don't miss this amazing opportunity.

IBM Cloud Computing -- Enabling Smart Business

Cloud Computing will have major impacts to the way in which IT is delivered from the data center to its many clients. Driven by trends in the consumer Internet, cloud computing is a new way to consume and deliver IT services. It builds on the maturation of the internet, rapid scalability, unprecedented self-service, and the proliferation of web-based applications. This session will describe IBM's point of view on cloud computing, market trends and emerging opportunities, product and services offerings, and how clients can leverage cloud computing.

[b]Ann Breidenbach from IBM will be presenting IBM's Cloud Portfolio Strategy, IBM Enterprise Initiatives[/b]

Ann is responsible for developing IBM's portfolio strategy for cloud computing services, products, and technologies, working across the IBM brands and partner teams. She has over 25 years of experience with IBM, including software product development, product management, technical sales, technical marketing, and strategy. In addition to operating systems, she has worked in application development as well as in emerging business teams responsible for developing net gen, wireless, and sensor event solutions.

A special thanks to Gemini Systems for pulling this one together.

Please email me with any question or suggestions

John D'Esposito [email protected]

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