The Open Ontology Repository

The Toronto Semantic Web Meetup Group
10-11 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA
5.0 CAD

The Open Ontology Repository Currently the notion of the Semantic Web as distributed islands of semantics is not a sufficient de facto repository. * If you put it out there, will they come? * If you build it better and put it out there, will they prefer yours?

History does not show this laissez faire “field of dreams” is good reality. While HTML was great for humans, machines are the primary consumers of the Semantic Web. Errors that a human may be able to diagnose and fix (such as a change in location of a document) are likely fatal for machine processing.

OOR has been developed to promote the global use and sharing of ontologies. The key goals of OOR are: to establish a hosted registry-repository; enable and facilitate open, federated, collaborative ontology repositories; and establish best practices for expressing interoperable ontology and taxonomy work in registry-repositories.

Speaker: Bart Gajderowicz Bart is a graduate student and a research assistant in the Computer Science Department at Ryerson University. Bart collaborates on research projects with the Ubiquitous and Pervasive Computing Lab. He has worked professionally as a developer for Toronto Dominion Bank's Merchant Services and Dispute Resolution groups, and has designed and developed various internet based applications, focusing on Social Networks and Content Management Systems. Bart is currently involved in research in the areas of Ontologies, Semantic Web, Machine Learning, and Description Logics.

Location Details: Date: Nov 10th Time: 18:00 to 21:00 Room: ENG288 Address: George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre 245 Church St. Toronto, Ontario

Food: Featuring Thai Apetizers from Salad King

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