516Ads.com & 631Ads.com/ FREE Networking Night

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com / Thanksgiving's Coming: FREE Networking Night Wednesday November 4, 2009 6 - 8PM Madison Steak House - MadisonSteakhouse.net 670 Motor Parkway Hauppauge, NY 11788

516Ads.com & 631Ads.com is proud to be teaming up with event sponsors Tony Calvacca, CBI - nybbinc.com 631-390-9650, Teresa Ward - TeresasFamilyCleaning.com, David Badanes, Esq. - DivorceLawyer.li, Steven Free- TheBugsStopHere.com, Mike Cousins - State Farm Owner/ Broker - mikeprotectsmyfamily.com, Tiffany O'Reilly - IslandCatastrophe.com for another BIG TIME night of networking AND bringing attention, collecting food and turkey coupons for Rock Can Roll, Inc. - a LI based charity who helps neighbors in need. For info, please contact Aimee Z. Holtzman, RockCanRoll.org - 516-822-3457. Great people, FREE (delicious) food, excellent atmosphere, worthy cause, it's always a great time at Madison Steak House - MadisonSteakhouse.net ... hope to see you there.

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