Oregon Computer Consultants Association - OCCA.org November Meetup

Oregon Computer Consultants Association - OCCA.org
Wed, 25 Nov 2009, 02:00 - 04:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Aquariva Italian Kitchen , Portland, US

Presentation: Selling your services doesn't have to be a stressful event!

Frustrated by this year's sales numbers? Stressed out wondering which of your many skills and talents the prospect needs and will pay good money for? Come learn THE EASY WAY TO IMPROVE YOUR SALES AND KEEP YOUR SANITY while running a computer consulting business at the monthly meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association, on October 27th.

Arleen McClean of Work Smarter, will be sharing sales and marketing secrets that will help you systemize your sales in order to generate "More Yes - Less Stress". At the meeting you'll learn:

  1. The easy way to get prospect's interested in working with you. (Are you curious?)
  2. What to say at networking events or on the phone with prospects.
  3. How to create a system that sends a steady stream of business to your door.

Come learn how you can make 2010 your best year ever! Reserve your space at the October meeting of OCCA on October 27th. A free report, "Creating Curiosity" will be provided to each person in attendance. (Networking from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Meeting from 7:00 p.m.- 8:30 p.m.)

Bio: At a time when her industry was growing only 1%, Arleen McClean experienced a 27% increase in sales by using the concepts she'll share at the meeting. This success soon translated into the development and trademarking of the "More Yes - Less Stress" product line. The line includes an inexpensive program that leads consultants step by step through what to say to effectively sell and market their services. McClean's company, Work Smarter, also provides one to one coaching along with writing and design services for those looking to update their brochures, sales tools or websites. Arleen McClean is a graduate of the University of Montana and holds a B.A. in Interpersonal Communication.

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