Boston Cloud services November Meetup

Boston Cloud Services- All things Cloud, SaaS, PaaS,XaaS etc
3-4 Nov 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Waltham, US

All, We have 2 presenters for the November meetup:

  1. Jim Salem, Platform-as-a-Service Group Architect @ Intuit Topic: a technical presentation about QuickBase Architecture 101.

  2. Somu Vadali, Technical Product Manager . Topic: Security in Virtualized Data center environment (in a private cloud).Presentation will cover Virtualization & Cloud basics and Securing a Virtualized Data Center in detail touching on PCI etc and covering the best practices for Virtualized Data center environment.

I've already got 2 presenters lined-up for the December meetup, just waiting for a confirmation about their availability.

Regards, Tsahy.

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