Managing Petabytes In the Cloud - Jeff Hammerbacher Founder of Cloudera

New York City Cloud Computing Group
3-4 Dec 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Managing Petabytes in the Cloud

Jeff Hammerbacher, one of the founders of Cloudera, will make a very special appearance at our December 3rd Meetup. Cloudera is powered by Hadoop and related technologies (Hive, HDFS, HBase, Pig, Sqoop etc).

Please join us for an extremely informative and interactive presentation on managing petabytes in the cloud and how the adoption of Hadoop is opening new possibilities, even on the desktop !

Visit Cloudera

Jeff's Bio at Cloudera

Presentation Descriptiption:

The open source Apache Hadoop project provides a powerful suite of tools for storing and analyzing petabytes of data using commodity hardware. After several years of production use inside of web companies like Yahoo! and Facebook and nearly a year of commercial support and development by Cloudera, the technology is spreading rapidly through other disciplines, from financial services and government to life sciences and high energy physics. The talk will motivate the design of Hadoop and discuss some key implementation details in depth. It will also cover the major subprojects in the Hadoop ecosystem, go over some example applications, highlight best practices for deploying Hadoop in your environment, discuss plans for the future of the technology, and provide pointers to the many resources available for learning more.

A special thanks to Gemini Systems for hosting this event. Please visit the Gemini Systems web site Gemini Systems

Any questions, contact me John D'Esposito [email protected]

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