MiniBar November Meetup

Fri, 27 Nov 2009, 18:00 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , City of London, GB

MiniBar on Security and Identity

Ensuring your website is protected against hacking, spoofing and other security issues is crucial for any web company. Likewise securing personal data you collect against theft and loss in the era of social media is essential. For this reason MiniBar has partnered with the Knowledge Transfer Network for Digital Communications to focus on ‘Security and Identity’.

Speakers will address the topics mentioned above, provide an overview of security issues and how to best tackle them.

Agenda ++ Security in Web Apps - Jan Machacek – Cake Solutions - The talk will give and overview of the usual attack strategies, as well as outlining the less usual ones (cookie stealing, JS injection, unsupported HTTP methods). In addition the speaker will introduce best practises to protect your web services ++ Data loss and how to prevent it - Glyn Wintle - Open Rights Group - Data loss, either through accident, or theft is a potential risk to many web businesses. The talk with outline why it occurs and how safeguard against it. ++Embedding Security in Start-Uos - Adam Burns - The heart of this talk will be understanding an R&D like culture of a start up and influencing it so that the necessary monitoring and processes are there to be improved upon as and when the company grows and evolves.

UKTI Digital Communications KTN

Partners: Microsoft BizSpark, SUN Startup Essentials, Skillsmatter

btw: MiniBar relies on sponsorship - so if you want to reach 2500+ of London's and beyond web entrepreneurs, developers and digital media specialists let us know at info at

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