Chicago SharePoint User Group December Meeting: "SharePoint in the Cloud"

The Chicago Microsoft SharePoint Business Strategies Group
Wed, 2 Dec 2009, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Chicago, US

Meeting Agenda

Topic: "SharePoint in the Cloud"

6:00 to 6:15: Meet and Greet / Networking

6:15 to 7:15: Need to improve communication and collaboration without draining IT resources? Dream of a truly flexible platform to fit your IT needs? Wish you could have it all for a predictable, low monthly cost and reduced capital expenditure? This is one event you don't want to miss.

The Business Productivity Online Suite is a set of messaging and collaboration solutions hosted by Microsoft. It consists of Microsoft SharePoint® Online, Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft Office Live Meeting, and Microsoft Office Communications Online.

At the this next SharePoint User Group meeting, Microsoft and Rightpoint will show you how the Microsoft® Business Productivity Online Suite, a hosted set of messaging and collaboration solutions, can help you:

  1. Get the value of enterprise-level messaging and collaboration services at a reduced overall cost.
  2. Enjoy the reliable, world-class software experience you know and trust, hosted and managed on a Microsoft network.
  3. Scale your business with a click by using the flexibility of cloud computing to deploy the solutions you need, when you need them.
  4. Decrease infrastructure spending while helping increase security and reliability.

The Business Productivity Online Suite gives your people an intuitive and affordable way to share information, files, business processes, calendars, instant messages, and more. It allows your IT staff to rapidly deploy a consistent, reliable experience, without taking time away from business-critical projects. And it lets you quickly scale your technology investment to fit your business.

It’s enterprise-level services at a reduced overall cost.

7:15 to 7:30: Wrap-up and ideas for next meeting

Pizza and beverages will be provided.

Sponsored By: Directions Training RightPoint Consulting

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