December Boulder Startup and Founder Meetup

Startup and Founder Meetup
Thu, 10 Dec 2009, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boulder, US

Format: November and December's agenda is filled with previous presenters. Come learn how they are doing and what they have learned. These two meetings will be a great opportunity to real life examples about the entrepreneurial journey. Come listen, learn and ask great questions.

Agenda 6:00 Meet and Greet- Networking Game- please turn to someone near you and tell them 2 things about yourself that they would have a hard time believing. 6:10 Start the Meetup with the Organizer Introduction 6:10 Presenter One 6:25 Presenter Two 6:45 Presenter Three 7:00 10 second elevator pitches, announcements 7:00 Break- 15 minutes 7:15 Presenter Four 7:30 Presenter Five 7:45 Presenter Six 8:00 Adjourn and Networking 8-9PM Networking

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