DevelopMentor's Guerrilla Enterprise .NET

Distributed Systems bring their own set of unique challenges. This course presents common strategies in application design as it applies to .NET 3.0 and Visual Studio Orcas. Through discussion, demonstration and hands-on experience, this class provides essential and practical information for designers and senior developers building robust, reliable, high-performance distributed .NET applications.

Fundamental to the course are the technologies of the Internet, the .NET Framework and other .NET services. Using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) and BizTalk you explore how to integrate applications, explain why certain technologies are not suitable for particular types of applications, and demonstrate how your applications benefit from effective use of design patterns.

Technologies critical in the creating of robust connected systems such as transactions and queuing are explored in addition to the possibilities and issues in integrating different technologies in the Microsoft connected systems stack.

The lab exercises demonstrate particular patterns, architectural and implementation details of using different technologies critical to connected systems.

Course Highlights

  • Application Design and Practices
  • Distributed Application Architectures and SOA
  • Design Patterns
  • Distributed Application Security
  • WCF Concepts and Architecture
  • Network and Queued Communication using WCF
  • WCF Security, CardSpace, and Federation
  • Design by Contract, SOA, and Service Factory
  • WF Concepts and Architecture
  • WF Activity model and hosting
  • Using WF for service composition
  • BizTalk Architecture and Orchestration
  • Scalability and Availability
  • Deployment and Application Monitoring


This course is specifically designed for students who already have a solid level of .NET. Participants should be proficient with object oriented programming, and have experience with C#.



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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” - Rick Osborne