IJTC - Irish Java Technology Conference

Irish Developers Network
7-9 Nov 2007 (Add to calendar) GMT
Cineworld , Dublin 1, IE
The inaugural IJTC 2007 organised by IrishDev.com in association with the Dublin Java User Group and First Port Jobs, is the second major technology conference in our 2007 series.

IJTC is an event by the Irish Java community for the Irish Java community and will bring many experts and internationally renowned speakers together to discuss latest trends and emerging technologies.

With over 20 expert technology sessions to choose from, covering a breadth of Java technologies, this is yet another tech conference you can't afford to miss!

* When? Begins Wednesday 7th November, Ends Friday 9th.
* Where? Cineworld Complex Parnell Street, Dublin 1...plus various festival locations
* Cost? 189 Euros - discounts available for D-JUG members and corporate blocks

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“I invented the term Object-Oriented, and I can tell you I did not have C++ in mind.” - Alan Kay