Houston Dynamic Languages User Group

Wed, 6 Jan 2010, 00:30 - 02:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
2000 W. Sam Houston Parkway South , Houston, US

Join us for the first HDLUG, a group for discussing the dynamic languages available for the .NET platform. Ben Scheirman will be presenting Ruby on Rails for .NET developers, and pizza will be provided courtesy of Catapult Systems.

Abstract: This session will cover an intro to the Ruby language, and an introduction to the popular web framework, Ruby on Rails. We'll talk about how concepts relate to folks who understand .NET as well as dip into how to bridge that gap with IronRuby. This presentation will be heavily code-focused.

About Ben Scheirman: Ben Scheirman is a software developer specializing in .NET. He has worked extensively on the web on various platforms and languages. At home, he enjoys a fair amount of iPhone programming, as well as Ruby on Rails. Ben is a Microsoft MVP, Microsoft ASP Insider, and Certified ScrumMaster. When not programming, Ben enjoys speaking, blogging, spending time with his wife and five wonderful children or voiding warranties on his latest gadgets. Ben is a Principal Consultant with Sogeti in Houston, TX. Read his blog online at http://flux88.com. Be sure to check out Ben's iPhone app, Pocket Tabs, at http://pockettabs.com.

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