User Experience Utopia ~ Nick Finck

Atlanta Web Design Group
Fri, 26 Feb 2010, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US
10.0 USD

User Experience Matters

As our industry matures, we are starting to see a cataclysmic change in how we work within each of our fields. Information architecture, interaction design, visual design, usability, accessibility, content, and marketing are colliding to form a better and more valuable user experience.

Interaction is no longer an afterthought, overshadowed by visual design. "Just getting noticed" on the web is no longer sufficient - what you produce will now be judged by the value of your information and the ease of your experience. Today, users reign supreme.

Now's the time to ask the tough questions: Are you properly investing resources, energy, and time in your user experience? Do you really, like really, know what your users want and need? How are you planning for the future?

In this presentation, we'll explore the seven characteristics of good user experience, where technology and innovation are taking the interactive industry, and what milestones we'll pass along the way.

What will I get of this session?
* A sense of where user experience is headed
* Knowledge of how context impacts the user experience
* An understanding of how new technologies are changing both context and user experience

Who should attend?
* User experience professionals
* Marketing executives and managers
* Online community managers
* Web designers and web developers
* Others who want to learn about user experience design

About Nick Finck

Nick is a user experience professional who has dabbled in the web for over a decade. He specializes in information architecture, interaction design, usability and user research.

Nick has created web experiences for Fortune 50 and 500 companies including Adobe, Boeing, Blue Cross / Blue Shield, Cisco, CitiGroup, FDIC, Harpo, HP, IBM, Microsoft, PBS, Peet’s Coffee, University of Denver, and others.

He lives and plays in Seattle, Washington, where he’s the Principal and Director of User Experience at Blue Flavor, a web design company that focuses on creating web experiences.

Design Feedback and Open Q&A
After the presentation we will take some time for anyone in the group to get feedback on a project they are working on. Whether it's a design comp, programming question, business plan, user interface decision, or any other web design question – just ask the group and we will do our best to help.

We're looking forward to a great turnout, and a great event so RSVP now to reserve your seat.

Post Meetup Mixer at Fado
Be sure to join us at Fado in Buckhead immediately after the event for networking, food, and fun.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions. I'm looking forward to seeing you all there.

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