Using Digital Marketing and Social Media to Build and Maintain your Online Brand

Black Marble
Wed, 27 Jan 2010, 17:30 - 19:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Courtyard , Bradford, GB

It’s a good idea in these uncertain days to have an effective dynamic presence on the web. Head-hunters, recruiters, colleagues, competitors and partners search for your information before they contact you and may find details that you would rather keep to yourself. This session will discuss the importance of creating, managing and maintaining an effective online brand across different social media sites that appeals to your business contacts and potential employers whilst still managing to interact with your friends using social networking tools. The session will cover: using social networking as a business enabler, ensuring the security and privacy of your data, potential issues with using social media and how to avoid any errors that you may inadvertently make which might embarrass you professionally. Learn how social media tools can be effectively used to advertise your presence and build your online brand, and display only the information you choose.

Eileen Brown, CEO of Amastra, specialises in social media and delivers projects to inspire. She is a social media expert, helping companies understand and extend their social media reach to engage better with their customers. Eileen has worked in the technology industry for over 17 years, in technical support, consultancy and management roles, most recently managing the team of technology evangelists at Microsoft.

Eileen is an accomplished and well-known international speaker and expert on Social Media, Online Branding, Web 2.0, Unified Communications and Systems Architecture and is a key advocate for the advancement of Women in Technology. She explores the art of the possible, looking at how technology is changing the world we live in and seeing ways to simplify work and make you more productive.

Eileen is a member of BCS, is part of the BCS Strategic panel for Women in IT and is the Chair of Intellect Women in Technology Group.

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