Mashable | The Future Journalist (Social Media Week Event)

NextWeb | NY Web 2.0 Meetup | Lunch 2.0 | Etc
3-4 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

The fourth Mashable NextUp NYC will focus on the changing skills and traits of journalists in a changing media landscape. As the news industry looks to reconstruct its suffering business model, the journalists of today must reconstruct their skill sets for the growing world of online media. The night will consist of networking and a conversation and Q&A with Sree Sreenivasan (Professor and Columbia Journalism School Dean of Student Affairs and contributing editor of and Vadim Lavrusik (new media journalist and digital media graduate student at Columbia University Journalism School).


This is a ticketed event. You may purchase tickets through 92Y by clicking here. There are only 300 public tickets available per event. No further tickets will be released.

PRICE $20 in advance, $25 at door.



Wednesday, February 3, 2010 -- 6:00pm - 9/9:30pm


92Y Tribeca
200 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10013


A full bar and food menu will be made available.


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6:00 – 7:15 = Open Networking
7:15 – 8:45 = Conversation and Q&A with Sree Sreenivasan and Vadim Lavrusik
8:45 – Bar Close = Open Networking

A Conversation and Q&A with:

Sree Sreenivasan
Prof. Sree Sreenivasan, Columbia Journalism School Dean of Student Affairs and contributing editor,

Sree Sreenivasan is a tech evangelist and skeptic specializing in explaining technology to non-techies. He is a professor and dean of students affairs at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, where he teaches in the digital media program. Sreenivasan is contributing editor at, a Manhattan-news startup he helped launch in 2009 with Joe Ricketts, the founder of Ameritrade and whose family just bought the Chicago Cubs and Wrigley Field. He also has been a fixture on NYC-area television. For more than eight years, he served as technology reporter for WABC-TV and WNBC-TV and now occasionally appears on various TV shows (on CNN, NBC’s Today Show, CNBC and elsewhere) to talk tech. He has written articles for The New York Times, BusinessWeek, Rolling Stone, National Journal, Bloomberg, Forbes and Popular Science. You can find him on Twitter at and on the Web at

Vadim Lavrusik
Online journalist and M.S. candidate in Digital Media at Columbia Journalism School

Vadim Lavrusik is a new media journalist and social media consultant studying digital media at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism where he is launching NYC 3.0, a tech start-up news site as part of his Master’s project. He is also currently working as a social media consultant at the New York Times. He’s reported for publications like the Star Tribune, The Minnesota Daily, the Mpls./St. Paul Business Journal and most recently was a guest feature writer for, where he covered trends in news media, and contributed to Poynter Online’s E-Media Tidbits. You can follow him on Twitter at and the Web


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