Advanced multithreaded UI’s for WPF in .Net 4.0

The New York WPF and Silverlight Meetup Group
15-16 Feb 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US


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  • Advanced multithreaded UI’s for WPF in .Net 4.0 - David Barnhill, Lab 49
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Advanced multithreaded UI’s for WPF in .Net 4.0

Multithreading is increasingly important now that most system have multiple processors in them. The user also expects user interfaces to stay responsive while calculations happen in the background as well as take advantage of all of the hardware in their machines. With the new Task Parallel Library that is part of .Net 4.0, multithreaded programming has changed radically for the better. I will cover how to integrate these new classes into a multithreaded Mandelbrot set viewer that incorporates several WPF custom controls and utilizes the WriteableBitmap WPF class for image display.

David Barnhill
Lab 49

David Barnhill is a consultant at Lab 49 specializing in software for financial services customers. After graduating from Georgia Tech with a computer science degree he has developed software for a wide variety of clients over the last 20 years including 3D simulations, kiosks, risk systems, and building inspection systems. He is an assistant organizer and regular speaker at the NY .Net Meetup Group on topics such as 2D/3D Graphics, enterprise frameworks and WPF. He is currently having fun learning the Reactive Framework (Rx), functional programming and dynamic languages.

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