The 6 W's of SQLDiag and Declarative Management Framework concepts and solutions

UK SQL Server User Group
Wed, 23 Apr 2008, 18:30 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
HBOS (Bankhead Crossway North) , Edinburgh, GB
Speaker: Alistair Board The 6 W's of SQLDiag
1 Who?


2 When?


3 Why?

To monitor, baseline and troubleshoot.

Even if you have an ISV SQL Management Tool it may lack required functionality, be licence restricted and/or may not cover all your needs.

Even if you already have a handcrafted solution it may lack the robustness of a tool that has been developed and expanded by experts in diagnostics.

If you have nothing in place at all...

4 Which?

Focus will be on the SQLdiag shipped with SQL 2005 but remember less featured versions of the tool shipped with SQL 7 and 2000.

5 What?

SQLdiag 2005 feature highlights:-

· Multiple instancing

· Runable as a service

· Schedulable

· Highly configurable

· Template and custom scripts

· Integration with other tools

6 Where

Where ever useful - including clusters
Alistair Board is a Senior Database Administrator at ATOS Origin.

He has worked as a SQL Server Development and Production DBA for last 7 years - this has including developing and supporting key national systems for NHS Scotland.
Prior to this he had various development and network support roles using Microsoft technologies at different companies including 4 years working for the company that developed Dolly the sheep.

Speaker: Satya Shyam K Jayanty SQL Server 2008 - Declarative Management Framework concepts & database problem solutions with policy management

Declarative Management Framework - is a policy-based system for managing one or more instances of SQL Server 2008. Tighten your database security with policy management, explicit administration & automated administration. You can design a policy to prohibit usage of unauthorized applications and imply the naming convention on the databases for developers.

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