VBUG Leeds: Windows Workflow and Communication Foundation with Mike Taulty

Wed, 14 May 2008, 18:30 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
BNY Mellon , Leeds, GB

Date: Wednesday 14 May 2008........In this session we’ll introduce Windows Communication Foundation and look at how it facilitates a single programming model for building distributed applications with many options around transports, encodings, security and additional higher level capabilities such as transactions and reliable messaging. We’ll also cover Windows Workflow Foundation and look at how it provides a declarative, graphical model for building Workflow capabilities into your own applications with a rich component model and built-in support for long-running operations, tracking of Workflow activity. Finally, we’ll show how the Workflow and Communication Foundations come together in Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework V3.5. Please arrive from 18.00 ready for the 18.30 start. All developers are welcome to attend but only VBUG members have guaranteed access to these seminars.

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