Online Tech Chat

Chicago MySQL User Group Meetup
Sat, 6 Feb 2010, 15:30 - 17:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
Panera Bread , Chicago, US

Hello group members:
I hope this isn't too spontaneous, but I setup an online meeting for the LAMP group and I wanted to also include you in on it. We're going to be doing an online chat/conference with whoever wants to participate.
It will be open at 9:30am on Sat ( everyone who wants to participate can )
And it would be ideal if you had headphone set, or mic / speakers.

We'll go for at least an hour, and general topic will be
LAMP/MySQL topics, PHP ideas, site show off

I'd like to hear from members who want to be active in the community and many ideas are appropriate for this open discussion
-Open Source tools and Web2.0 websites
-Data modeling and MySQL
-PHP Editors and tools
-CMS systems and frameworks ( Drupal, Joomla, WordPress, eZ Publish )
-LAMP stack and Linux flavors
-PHP libraries: core, pear, pecl, etc.

-PHP Object Oriented (OOP) techniques
-Integration, mashups with javascript, ajax and jQuery
-Blogs and Tutorials (many to recommend)
-Career growth, job seekers and opportunities
-Business ideas

I'd like to use this group and our discussions, as a knowledge base, to share info among members.
So please join us, and be able to contribute a few of your own ideas.

Browse to:
and join us.

Caveat: I may also be researching other good ways to set up chats, online conferences, screen sharing among a group. So... I reserve the right to setup a chat elsewhere, and invite everyone to it, on spur of the moment, if need be. The good news: you will get either an email, or the TechChat will have a forwarding link, if I do decide to do this.

There will be many of these in 2010, so don't sweat it if you miss it; Lot's more to come.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter” - Eric Raymond