VBUG LONDON: Vis Studio Extensibility & Software Factories with Santosh Benjamin

Tue, 24 Jun 2008, 18:00 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
ffgfgd , dfgfgdfgdgfd, GB

Date: Tuesday 24 June 2008........NOTE VENUE CHANGE.... Visual Studio offers a broad spectrum of options for extending, automating and customizing the behavior of the IDE. These options range from simple macros and add-ins to full blown custom modelling surfaces and domain specific languages. In this session we will look at the various options (add-ins, guidance packages etc) and how they are implemented. We will focus on Visual Studio 2005 but we will also look at what Visual Studio 2008 offers in these areas and where the product is going in the forthcoming versions. SANTOSH BENJAMIN was recently awared MVP status, for more details on him check his blog at http://santoshbenjamin.wordpress.com/ PLEASE ARRIVE FROM 18.00 FOR A PROMPT START AT 18.30 NOTE THE VENUE CHANGE....

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