Oregon Computer Consultants Association - OCCA.org March Meetup

Oregon Computer Consultants Association - OCCA.org
Wed, 31 Mar 2010, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Portland, US

“Improving your bottom line through better time and task management.”

Learn how to achieve your highest positive impact and reach your business and personal goals during a practical and entertaining presentation by Tom Howe at the February 23rd meeting of the Oregon Computer Consultants Association.

Tom Howe of Legal Technology Group, is a highly sought after speaker, attorney, author and owner of two technology companies. He speaks at legal conferences throughout North America and technological conferences around the world.

His presentation will:

* Show you how to focus and get organized so you can move your business forward.
* Share specific tips and strategies for improving your efficiency in meetings, over the phone and via email.
* Provide proven effective methods for avoiding procrastination and burn out.

Plan now to attend this valuable presentation and learn new skills, tips and strategies that will help you reach your financial and personal goals in 2010.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Dinner / Networking
7:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Meeting / Presentation

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“A computer is a stupid machine with the ability to do incredibly smart things, while computer programmers are smart people with the ability to do incredibly stupid things. They are, in short, a perfect match” - Bill Bryson