Data Access Layers, with Steve Simon

30-31 Mar 2010 (Add to calendar) GMT
540 Main St. , Suite 14, US

Steve Simon, Assistant Vice President, IT/Investor Technology Services, State Street Corp., will show us how his group managed to eliminate 90% of their poorly performing queries by creating a data access layer which provides their end users with a suite of well developed and tuned SQL Server FUNCTIONS and UDT's with which to render their data. The presentation will discuss the high level principles and concepts behind their data access layer, the scenarios under which they have benefited from its usage and then compare and contrast some of the poorly performing queries that they once had with some more efficient and effective queries.

Steve Simon is an Assistant Vice President with State Street Corporation Boston. He has been involved with database design and analysis for over 20 years. Steve will be presenting two papers at the 2009 PASS Summit in Seattle WA and has presented papers at seven PASS Summits (in Orlando, Seattle WA (3), Denver CO (2) and San Francisco CA) and two at PASS Europe 2009. He has just recently presented his PASS 2008 Summit presentation in Johannesburg South Africa. Steve has also presented papers at the Information Builders' International Technology Summits in New Orleans (1998), in Orlando (1999), Las Vegas (2007), two in Nashville (2008) and one in Nashville (2009). Steve has also had two papers published in Information Builders' Systems Journal and is a regular Webinar presenter for Information Builders.

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